I2L2: A Report on Long-Term Systems Change Initiatives
This I2L2 (Impact, Influence, Leverage, and Learning) report was written to help strategists, evaluators, and practitioners start to name, identify, and consider the different types of outcomes at play in long-term systems-change strategies. Twenty years ago, most funders and social actors assumed that impact was additive—if enough programs reached enough people, their investments in programmatic interventions would eventually add up to impact at scale. However, the strategic work of Annie E. Casey Foundation and many others involved in comprehensive change efforts, including place-based initiatives, initiated new ways of describing and planning interventions and ways to account for large-scale social impact. I2L2 emerged from these efforts and calls attention to influence, leverage, and learning as essential dimensions for creating significant and durable change. Authored by ORS Impact (Seattle, WA) this report issues a call to center racial equity in systems-focused impact initiatives, and looks to spark meaningful conversations and provide further insights that will encourage the ongoing application of the I2L2 model.